On February 1st, we had the opportunity to explain the Life + Zero Cabin Waste Project to four representatives of AECOSAN (Spanish Agency of Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition) belonging to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Following the indications received by the technicians of the General Subdirectorate of Animal Health and Hygiene and Traceability in the meeting held on November 6, AECOSAN was contacted by L+ZCW Consortium. The objective of the meeting was to present the project and define the steps to follow in order to be able to reach the European Commission with the alternative waste management proposal for category 1 waste, generated on intercontinental flights.
It was a very productive meeting, in which the AECOSAN technicians showed great interest in the project and committed themselves to study the issues raised and guide us regarding the next steps to follow.
In this presentation, like others in which the project is presented to different interest groups, the dissemination material produced was used as support: the project presentation video and the leaflets.