On January 9 and 10 we had the visit of Pieter Willot, Manager Sustainable packaging & materials of the company deSter, part of Gategroup. DeSter is a producer of the food packaging and tableware used for the menus prepared by Gategourmet, they produce both reusable and disposable containers. In this sense deSter offers sustainable packaging options, adapted to the needs of each context.
On January 9 Pieter visited the Gategourmet facilities in La Muñoza (Madrid), where he met with representatives of Gategourmet, Ecoembes and Ferrovial. The objective of this visit was to see possible ways for deSter to collaborate with the Life + Zero Cabin Waste Project in order to reduce the waste generated on board and increase the recyclability of packaging through ecodesign measures. In addition Pieter was able to visit the facilities where the food is prepared for Iberia flights, they are introduced in the different trolleys and after the flight they are received with the generated waste.
On January 10, Pieter met with ESCI colleagues at his office located at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. On this occasion, ESCI presented its line of work in Life Cycle Analysis and how this methodology is being applied in different projects, among them the Life + Zero Cabin Waste. The focus was on the environmental impact of packaging and tableware depending on the type of material and its number of uses. Within L+ZCW, the impact of the final phase of the life cycle of these packages is evaluated, allowing to compare the impact in the recycling and dumping scenarios. Finally, the interest of both parties to maintain contact for future collaborations was communicated.