The report SDG, YEAR 3. A global alliance for the 2030 Agenda, published by the Spanish Network of the Global Compact, for the 3rd anniversary of the approval of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations Assembly, refers to LIFE Zero Cabin Waste. Specifically, it stands out as an example of partnership to achieve objectives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.
As explained by the Spanish Network for the Global Compact, the Sustainable Development Goals represent a universal framework with 17 goals and 169 targets that basically pursue three things: ending extreme poverty, fighting inequality and injustice and combat climate change. The report ODS, YEAR 3. A global alliance for the 2030 Agenda provides an assessment of how companies are implementing the Goals in their strategies and operations, as well as examples of specific actions to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. In particular, this edition is dedicated to Goal 17, which refers to Partnerships to achieve Goals.

In this way, on page 35 of the report, LIFE Zero Cabin Waste is presented as an example of a transformative alliance; based on principles and values, with a shared vision and goals and with a real impact, sustained and sustainable over time, taking advantage of the skills of all the actors participating in the alliance. In this case, the consortium formed by Iberia, Ecoembes, Gate Gourmet, Ferrovial and ESCI-UPF, has the shared goal of providing a comprehensive solution to the catering waste management challenge of the airlines and, for this, all the partners contribute with their knowledge and experience.