An essential part of the Zero Cabin Waste Project is the training of the Cabin Crew of Iberia to carry out the separation of waste on board and make possible the subsequent recycling of this waste.

In this sense, a Training Plan has been established through various channels to ensure that both, the current crew and new entrants, know how to perform the separation of waste on board. These are the different channels used to inform the staff:

  • Face-to-face trainings: An environmental module has been included in the cabin crew trainings in which the ZCW Project is explained and how to perform the separation in the cabin.

  • Information available on the employee’s portal: In the internal website the crew finds a detailed document on the implementation of the project “Implementation of Zero Cabin Waste” and downloadable brochures and posters available. In addition, there is a video tutorial on how to separate waste using trolleys and on-board compactors.

  • Crew Lounge: In the meeting room of the crew prior to boarding, leaflets and posters are available to remind Zero Cabin Waste Project and in which compartment the different waste should be deposited.

  • Briefing prior to boarding:  The purser gives a series of indications to the Cabin Crew before taking off, among them, it is recalled that during the flight the good practices of separation on board will be put into practice.