Life Zero Cabin Waste
Tackling international airline catering waste by demonstrating integral and safe recollection, separation & treatment
Iberia together with Ecoembes, Gourmet Gate (GG), Ferrovial and ESCI-UPF are developing the Life + “Zero Cabin Waste” Project from September 2016 to December 2019.
The aim of this project is to improve the management of waste derived from the catering service of airplanes. Waste category 3 (generated on Community flights – within the European Union) and category 1 waste (generated on non-Community flights).
Throughout the project it is intended to study the different waste streams generated in the aircraft cabin, to propose minimization measures and to implement separation of residues (recoverable and non-recoverable fraction), as well as the collection and treatment of the different flows of waste.
Particularly concerning Category 1 waste (Cat.1), since the Spanish legislation only contemplates its destination to landfill or incineration, proposing a management that allows to apply alternative measures to the treatment of this waste.
In short, a procedure was developed that established the basis for sustainable waste management, with the least possible impact, analyzing the current management and the management proposal through life cycle analysis.
On this page you can find all the updated information throughout the 40 months of the project’s life and the results finally obtained.

ZCW final results
In the Results section of this website you can find the comparison of the expected results and the achieved results after 40 months of work at LIFE Zero Cabin Waste. Results [...]
ZCW Recognition on go! ODS
Last February 20, the Spanish Network of the Global Compact held the 2nd edition of the go! ODS Awards in the Auditorium of the Rafael del Pino Foundation in Madrid.The go! SDG Awards recognize innovative [...]
ZCW Final Conference
The closing ceremony of the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste project took place on January 16. It was an act with a double objective, on the one hand, as a technical seminar in which the final [...]