On December 21 we had the opportunity to explain the main lines of the Zero Cabin Waste Project to Paloma López-Izquierdo, General Deputy Director of Waste and Esther Valverde, General Deputy Director of Food Chain Structure, belonging to the General Directorate of Quality and Evaluation Environmental and Natural Environment, within the MAPAMA (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment).

The representatives of the Waste Subdirectorate expressed their interest in the project, especially Action A2, aimed at reducing waste generation, since the Ministry has initiated the Strategy “More food, less waste” for the reduction of food waste.
Within the strategy set by the Ministry it is planned to disseminate the projects in which work is being done to reduce food waste in order to enhance its replicability. In this sense, the Consortium will provide information regarding the Off-Load studies carried out by Gate Gourmet to bring the food served on board as close as possible to the actual consumption.