On February 23rd, a new follow-up meeting of the Life + ZCW Project took place at the Gate Gourmet facilities in La Muñoza, Madrid. The meeting was attended, in person or by video call, by representatives of the different partners involved in the project: Iberia, Ecoembes, ESCI-UPF, Ferrovial, BFC and Gate Gourmet. Transfer staff also attended the meeting, which helped to review the state of the administrative management of the project after the preparation of the Mid-Term Report, which is presented this week to the Life commission.

Throughout the meeting the status of actions B for the implementation of recollection protocol, C actions for monitoring the impact of the actions and D actions for awareness and dissemination was reviewed, highlighting the next steps to be followed in 2018. The following months are key since it is intended to test and implement the new waste trolley in European flights.

After the meeting, the partners were able to visit the catering facilities and see the new waste collection area. Thanks to the remodeling of this area, compactors will be available for the different types of waste collected on board.