Throughout the week of November 17 to 25, 2018 the European Week of Waste Prevention is celebrated in more than 43 regions of Europe, one of them being Catalonia, promoted from the Waste Agency of Catalonia.

From Zero Cabin Waste we join this celebration organizing the Conference “Integral Strategies for the Reduction of Food Waste” on November 21 in Barcelona. In the Conference will be presented two projects in which waste management is addressed from a comprehensive perspective, taking into account the different agents involved.

On the one hand, the Ceres Project, which will explain the impacts associated with the production and consumption of food and prevention strategies for food waste. And on the other hand, LIFE Zero Cabin Waste, focusing on exposing the type of waste generated on board, consumption studies and prevention strategies. Finally, a round table will be held with different representatives of AECOC, Association of Manufacturers and Distributors, Gastro Loop, a platform that connects food surplus donors with vulnerable groups, and the Platform Aprofitem els Aliments. In this way, we will try to facilitate the debate and the participation of the assistants.

In the afternoon, it will be possible to visit the Ecoparque 4 and the Packaging Sorting Plant of Hostalets de Pierola, where the different types of waste are received and separated for later recycling.