On September 14 and 21, Iván Barredo, a process engineer belonging to Biogas Fuel Cell SA, gave training to several workers at the Ferrovial Packaging Sorting Plant in Fuenlabrada about the operation and maintenance of the prototype assembled for biomethanization of organic waste.
Thanks to these trainings, and once the prototype is completed with a crushing and sanitizing module (sterilization / pasteurization), the pilot test for treatment of the SANDACH waste of Category 1 will begin. This test will consist of feeding each of the two digesters of the prototype with about 4kg of organic waste daily. This waste will come from international flights, being previously sterilized and subsequently processed in the digester.
In this way, biogas will be obtained, a fuel gas with a high content of methane, and digestate, a mixture of mineral products and organic compounds with high agronomic value. Finally, this digestate will be evaluated in the laboratory to verify that it does not present any type of risk to human or animal health, so it could be applied to the soil as fertilizer.

Through these analyzes, it is intended to demonstrate the harmlessness of the digestate. The intention is to show the results to the competent authorities at national and European level proposing that an exception be approved for this waste, so that they can be valued instead of taken to landfill.