Over the course of October, the first tests of separation of waste on international non-EU flights, flights with origin or destination outside of Europe, have begun.
These are the seven scheduled flights with separation of waste:
In these international flights, the protocol proposed for the separation of waste is different from the national and European flights, in which a compartmentalised trolley is used. In this case, the different galleys of the aircraft have integrated compactor boxes, where the packaging waste that has not been in contact with food of animal origin will be disposed of. Meanwhile, the rest of waste will be deposited in the waste trolleys: organic matter, containers with traces of liquid or food, napkins, etc.
To clarify any doubts, the different compactors and trolleys are identified with stickers that allow identifying the residues that can be disposed of in each one of them.

In each of the flights, the crew feedback will be and the quality of the separation will be analyzed when the waste is received in Gate Gourmet facilities. In this way, the correct operation of the new waste separation protocol will be evaluated.