On November 21, a new follow-up meeting of Life ZCW project took place at the Escuela Superior de Comercio International at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ESCI-UPF) in Barcelona. The meeting was attended by representatives of all the partners involved in the project: Iberia, Ecoembes, ESCI-UPF, Ferrovial and Gate Gourmet, as well as staff of the consultancy Transfer.
During the meeting, the status of the different actions in progress was reviewed as the training by Iberia to the new cabin crews, as well as others already completed, like the trainings by Gate Gourmet to drivers and wash train staff.

Representatives from Iberia, Ecoembes, ESCI-UPF, Ferrovial and Gate Gourmet, as well as staff from Transfer Consultancy during the meeting at ESCI-UPF, Barcelona.
ESCI-UPF reported on the current status of the project’s monitoring indicators to highlight those in which more work should be done in the last year.
Regarding the recent implementation of selective collection on Iberia’s national and European flights in October, new follow-up meetings were set up to guarantee the efficiency of the new two-compartment bucket. The results of the first trial of on-board separation in long haul flights were also commented, where an improvement in the quality of the waste was observed.