Catering waste generated on European flights is considered Category 3 material, according to Regulation No 1069/2009 (Animal by-products Regulation). This waste can be managed like the organic waste that we produce in our homes, since it doesn’t represent a risk to health.
The organic matter and other non-recyclable waste generated by the catering activity, together with the same type of waste generated in European flights, are placed and accumulated in a compactor at the Gate Gourmet facilities. This compactor is identified as the Category 3 Compactor.
Periodically, a characterization of this compactor is carried out to check the composition of these residues. For this, a representative sample of 250 kg is collected and the different residues are classified and weighed, obtaining the composition by weight of the sample.
In this way, we evaluate the evolution of the composition of Category 3 material. For example, it is checked whether the different measures to improve waste management implemented in Gate Gourmet facilities and flights reduce the presence of recyclable waste (packaging and paper-cardboard) in this compactor. The objective is to achieve a high percentage of organic matter, so that this material can be composted.