On November 22th 2019, the first tree plantation was carried out on the occasion of the creation of El Bosque Iberia. For this first plantation, we counted with the help of Iberia employees –including its CEO and Steering Committee-, representatives of the Paracuellos City Council, the partners of the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste project and participants of the LIFE The Green Link project.
During this first plantation, around 1,500 trees were planted on a three hectare land near the airport. In the next three years, a total of 8 hectares will be planted with 4,000 species.

LIFE The Green Link and LIFE Zero Cabin Waste project partners.
We also had the donation of 20 Cocoons , thanks to Volterra Ecosystems, within the networking framework between LIFE The Green Link and LIFE Waste Cabin. The LIFE The Green Link project aims to contribute to the development of effective adaptation strategies throughout the Mediterranean region by testing an innovative culture method to restore desertified areas.
It proposes to replace traditional irrigation techniques with the use of Cocoon, a low-cost, 100% biodegradable water-efficient method, through six tests in three Mediterranean countries affected by desertification.
The Iberia Forest is partially funded through LIFE Zero Cabin Waste, a pioneering project developed by Iberia in collaboration with Ecoembes, Gate Gourmet, Ferrovial and ESCI-UPF, and that has allowed to implement on all Iberia flights a management model sustainable waste generated on board, to maximize recycling and protect the environment.